CrossFit Train 97333

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Using your Brain and your Brawn

WOD:   11/12/15

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
95/65 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups

Even after 3 minutes of pure Burpees, Benjamin still set up like a champ for his Clean and Jerk!

Workout Induced Mental Impairment

By: Derek Eason

          A huge part of CrossFit is using your brain. You have to pay attention to your body, where it is in space, and how it is moving at all times to complete a WOD. But all too often I see people that cannot remember the rep scheme or movements of a simple workout and it worries me.

     If you can’t remember that it is 21 then 15 then 9 reps and that the order is box jumps, then power snatches, then double unders, how do I know that you are going to remember to look at the box when you jump on it, or hold the bar above your head and not drop it on yourself.

     I have watched far too many extremely intelligent people find themselves completely blank minded as soon as a workout starts. Remaining fully cognitive in the heat of a workout is extremely applicable to real life situations that require urgency. Focusing on using your brain in the middle of WODs is not only important to your safety and success in the workout, but is a large piece of building and having this fitness in the first place.

     Make sure that you understand the WOD before it starts and make it a goal to remember the reps and perform the movements correctly without looking at the whiteboard or asking for help. If you can’t use your brain and your fitness at the same time, then what is the point of having either?