CrossFit Train 97333

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Paleo Post-WOD ideas!


Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

100 overhead squats 95/65

*Anytime you put the bar down, you owe 10 toes to bar.


With the nutrition challenge going on, I have been looking for more and more real food, post work out options. Stupid easy paleo has a great article with links to a ton of post workout meal ideas with a variety of profiles from savory to sweet to almost desert like. Check it out here.

If we are training 5 or 6 days a week or multiple times per day we need to be thinking more about our nutrition post WOD. It will help you recover faster and be ready to go for you next work out. If you are like me, I don’t feel very hungry right after I workout so finding something that I can take quickly and is not very big is a big deal for me. That’s why my go to post workout nutrition normally involves sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes have a pretty great nutrition profile when cooked, they are good at replenishing sodium and potassium, they have great carbohydrate profile (they contain the types of carbs we need to replenish post workout), and they pack a good dose of vitamin A! There are other starches that you can incorporate post workout that would be great for recovery!  Winter squash like butternut, plantains and yucca root are all good options.

Here is a good example of a post workout meal you could have (I made half of this recipe):

Chorizo Mashed Yam! - Recipe from Ruby and Radishes

            4 yams, peeled and diced

            2 tablespoons grass-fed butter

            1lb Mexican chorizo, casings removed

            ½ a white onion, diced

            4 cloves garlic, minced

            ½ teaspoon sea salt

            ¼ teaspoon pepper

            cilantro for garnish

1. Put yams in slow cooker

2. Heat butter is small sauce pan and salute onions and garlic, add chorizo and lightly brown for flavor then add salt and pepper. Place mixture in the slow cooker.

3. Cook on high for 3-4 hours.

4. Once cooked move yams to bowl and mash with a fork. Remove the chorizo with a slotted spoon.

5. Garnish with cilantro and enjoy!

Written by Jenna Robinson