CrossFit Train 97333

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Sean's Paleo Soup!

WOD:   1/12/16

Sumo Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps

5 rounds of:
1 minute of dumbbell deadlifts
1 minute of push-ups


Paleo Soup!

Winter is here. It is cold and you may want some comfy warm soup to be able to warm you up. I wanted to share with you all one recipe that I love and is quick and easy! It’s for a delicious paleo soup.

Your ingredients:

3 tbsp olive oil

1 medium onion

3 celery stalks, chopped (or thinly sliced)

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

1 can crushed tomatoes with juice

1 box beef broth

2 tsp oregano

1 lb ground beef

1 cup of broccoli and cauliflower

2 zucchini, chopped

Now, I am terrible when it comes to instructions when cooking and I like to wing it so these ingredients are more of a guideline than anything!

Once you have everything put your olive oil in a soup pot and add in the onion and celery, cook until soft. Then add your garlic, give that a minute and then add your crushed tomatoes with juice, beef broth and other veggies (I also like carrots in this too so feel free to add in more veggies!) and the rest of the ingredients (except your beef).

Brown your ground beef first and then add it to the soup and let everything simmer if you like your veggies on the softer side let it go longer, time is your call! Then enjoy your delicious paleo soup! What’s your favorite soup/crock pot recipe?

Written by Chef Sean Mackey