CrossFit Train 97333

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Shoulder Time!

There is no longer a Thursday at 7am Barbell Club.
Barbell Club's New Schedule is:
Tuesday at 5:30pm
Saturday at 10:30am


WOD:   1/27/16

EMOTM for 15 minutes:
1 Power Clean
*Increase the weight!

3 rounds for time of:
25 Wall balls 20/14
15 OHS 95/65


Shoulder Time

I get a lot of shoulder questions from you guys. Although no expert, having been through a year of shoulder struggles I think people see me as the great provider of all things shoulder knowledge. Truth is, I am not a doctor! I only know what I've learned about my own shoulder problems! What I do know, is that a lot of shoulder issue stem from lack of mobility and/or strength deficiencies. 

Here's a great blog written by CrossFit Invictus about shoulder tightness (they aren't doctors either, just FYI). The Invictus post goes through a shoulder self assessment and then provides a list of stretches to help with shoulder tightness.

In addition to tight shoulders, having healthy and strong rotator cuffs and scapula will greatly decrease the chance of a shoulder injury. Here's a great video for a scapula "flow." You can (and SHOULD) do this before any shoulder workout (push ups, pull ups, burpees, pressing, snatch, etc). It is very quick and something you can do right before class:


And here are some rotator cuff exercises! These are also easy (and quick) to do before class:


And there you have it... The extent of my shoulder knowledge. ;) 


Written by Cassie Finer