CrossFit Train 97333

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Mobility WOD

Follow the link and sign up for the Open!

WOD:   2/03/16

5 Rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
25 Push-ups
25 Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14
5 Ring Muscle-ups


Have you checked out MWOD yet? It’s AMAZING!

Mobility WOD (MWOD for short) is short videos made by Kelley Starrett and Team to help you gain some better mobility! What up! They also put on some awesome google hang out 30 minute session where you can just follow along. I’ve had this shoulder/elbow one in the bank for a while check it out here!

The dude in this video, nicknamed JagRoop, takes you through several mobility exercises that help loosen up tight shoulders and creaky elbows. JagRoop is a licensed DPT that practices out of San Fransisco CrossFit. Kelley and Roop work with a variety athletes and use MWOD as a way to share their amazing knowledge with the world. Check out more on MWOD at

Brought to you by Jenna Robinson