CrossFit Train 97333

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Get to Class Early and Stay Late

WOD:   11/08/16


3 rounds each for time of:
Row 500m
25 burpee box jump overs 24”/20”

*Rest as needed between each round.




Derec (yes that's right, Derek with a C!) swinging the 70 to the ceiling!



Get to Class Early and Stay Late

Getting to class early and staying late doesn’t have to be a requirement to become an amazing athlete. It does help though.

Throughout the history of sports, looking back at the most successful players what do you see? I see people who spend just as much outside of practice as they do inside of practice working on their weaknesses and refining their game. LeBron James, arguably the best basketball player to date, did not become as good as he is by just getting by. He shows up to practice well ahead of time, gets extra shots up, warms up and mobilizes. Then he practices as hard as he can. Once practice is over for the team, it’s not over for him. He spends more time afterwards putting up more shots, working on drills to make him faster and stronger.

I’m not saying that anybody has to become the next LeBron James and spend hours before and after WOD’s to become the best. What I am trying to get across though is that if you have 10 minutes to give before and/or after class, take advantage of it! Use it to spend a little bit more time on warming up or cooling down. Heck, if you can spend it working on something you need some work on! Can’t get that kip down for the pull-up? Stay after class for 10 minutes while your body is warm and tired, you’d be surprised at how some exercises seem to click when you are tired and want to go home.


-- Austin Gray