CrossFit Train 97333

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6 week Olympic Weightlifting course with Chris Swartz

WOD:   11/10/16

5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
53/35-lb. kettlebell swings, 21 reps
12 pull-ups




Give yourself a nice snatch this year 

Starting on January 2, 2017 Coach Chris will be offering a 6 week Olympic weightlifting class. The class will meet every Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday @ 8 am & 4:30pm. Each of the classes will be limited to 6 participants. The class will cover the Olympic movements along with accessory exercises for each movement. The class will be small to allow Chris to give as much hands on coaching and help to each person as possible. The class would be good for someone who wants to learn the Olympic lifts for the first time from the start, or someone who wants to take a few weeks to really focus on fixing their current abilities with the movements.


If you are interested in reserving a spot or learning more about the class e-mail coach Chris at