CrossFit Train 97333

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Friday Night Lights Theme!!!!

WOD:   3/03/16

"Tabata Something Else"
Tabata pull-ups
Tabata push-ups
Tabata sit-ups
Tabata squats

*Score is total reps.



Last Friday was a huge success! To spice things up this week and weeks to follow, we are adding a theme to the night! This Friday, come out and spectate, cheer, and WOD in your most patriotic swag! That’s right, the theme this Friday is RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. There will be a prize awarded to the athlete with the best and most spirited outfit. Who doesn’t love a reason to dress up?!

Wear Red, White, and Blue this Friday, and get ready to kick 16.2’s ass! Over and Out.

An announcement from Caitlin Brennan.

Now that's patriotic, think you can beat it?

This weeks Open announcement will be brought to us live from an unspecified Garage Gym with games athletes Dan Bailey and Björgvin Guðmundsson. 

Make sure to tune in at 5pm today!

What do you think the Open workout this week will be???

Give us your answer in the comments! (I personally think we will see snatches or deadlifts!)