WOD: 7/21/16
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
25 kettlebell swings, 53/44lbs.
25 Abmat sit-ups
Goal: Do more wall walks.
If you came to Sunday Funday, that goal has already been completed :)
Every month here at CrossFit Train we ask you guys to write goals up on the board. A couple of people have asked me from time to time what kind of goals they should look to write up on the goal board. My answer is simple, it can be anything from inside the gym like looking to hit a PR on a lift, or something outside of the gym like eat paleo for this whole month. One thing I tell people when they think of monthly goals is to never shoot for something that is way out of reach. Instead do something that seems feasible but will require effort to get done. Those big lofty goals might be something that you look to do yearly where you can slowly chip away at it until that goal is accomplished. I urge you all, if you haven’t already, think of a good goal, or a couple, and write them up on the goal board!
--Austin Gray