CrossFit Train 97333

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This Saturday we will be having a Park WOD!!!
Saturday July 30th at 9am meet at Willamette Park, down Goodnight street, instead of at the box for an awesome Park WOD!


(Last minute) Barbell Clinic on the schedule for Thursday July 28th at 6am! Attending the clinic is a pre-requisite for attending Barbell Club. The clinic is an hour and a half long and costs $20. Please email Cassie at if you'd like to join Thursday's clinic.



WOD:   7/25/16

EMOTM for 10 minutes:
Squat Snatch , 2 reps


5 rounds for time of:
10 Power Snatches, 95/65
10 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”



Wait! Everyday is a vacation in here, right Dan!???



Its summer time and we all know that at some point we will be on vacation or on a trip. This normally means that for however long this trip or vacation is we neglect working out and keeping our bodies active. I know I always make an excuse of why I don’t need to work out because I pushed myself hard before I left or that I don’t have access to a box or any workout equipment. We all need to not convince ourselves that we don’t need to work out or we can’t work out. More than likely there is a box somewhere in the area that will let you come workout with them and participate I their class. If you have no box in your area that’s ok I’m sure the hotel or wherever your staying has a small workout area and you are more then able to come up with a quick little WOD right there on the spot. If all else fails and you have no box or gym equipment the great thing about Crossfit is you don’t need any of it. You always can make up a workout with just running, air squats, pushups, pullups and burpees and yes I said burpees! So don’t let a small vacation stop you from all that progress you have made. Keep up the hard work and have fun making up a workout or doing one that you already know.  

By Jesse Gunnell