CrossFit Train 97333

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Back to the Basics!

CrossFit Train's 5th Anniversary Party!!!

Saturday starting at 6pm!

Potluck style, bring meat to grill, side dishes, desserts, drinks, and some chairs!!!



WOD:   8/02/16

For time:
30 Squat Snatches, 95/65
800m Run
30 Power Snatches, 95/65
800m Run
30 Hang Power Snatches, 95/65




Back to the basics!

I know that everyone in the gym wants to be awesome at all the complicated movements like the ring muscle up, hand stand pushup, pistol, snatch and clean and jerk. But before you can master those movements you need to master the basics. There are nine functional and essential movements that must be mastered before trying any of the other complicated movements they are the air squat, front squat, over head squat, press, push press, push jerk, deadlift, sumo deadlift high pull and last but not least the medicine ball clean. The nine movements are the base for all other movements we do in CrossFit. These movements will all transfer over to helping you accomplish your goals of getting those difficult movements. So don’t ever be embarrassed or think you are to good at CrossFit to work on your air squat or your push press or any other basic movement. Because even the best athlete in CrossFit has to work on these basic skills and none of them are perfect. So if you need any cues or coaching tips to help improve these basic skills ask and we will give you more drills then you can handle to help fix these movements.

-Jesse Gunnell who just recently took his CrossFit Level 1 course.