CrossFit Train 97333

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Cooking Smarter, Not Harder!

WOD:   9/14/16

For time:
50/35-lb. dumbbell snatches, 50 reps
Rope climbs, 5 ascents
50/35-lb. dumbbell snatches, 40 reps
Rope climbs, 4 ascents
50/35-lb. dumbbell snatches, 30 reps
Rope climbs, 3 ascents
50/35-lb. dumbbell snatches, 20 reps
Rope climbs, 2 ascents
50/35-lb. dumbbell snatches, 10 reps
Rope climb, 1 ascent



Look at this awesome Green Chili Chicken from Stupid Easy Paleo!

Let’s be real, we are all pretty busy people juggling work, school, kids, sports, gym, and a million other things and of course, trying to get the nutrition nailed down. It seems as I get busy, nutrition seems to be the first thing I throw out the window which is exactly opposite of how it should be. Steph from Stupid Easy Paleo gave a great lecture about how to cook smarter not harder at CrossFit Invictus a few years ago. She breaks down how to make simple things so that you can use the multiple ways, how to make you own paleo mayo (so delicious), and some other awesome tips! The lecture about an hour long but here is the link to the video!


Some of the big points:

  • Cook up some meat but keep the spices simple. We all love the strong flavors so keep it simple the add stuff when you are about to eat it.

  • Roast your veggies! They taste a million times better that way and you don’t have to put a whole bunch of crap on them to make the taste good.

  • Cut your veggies when you get home so they are easy to throw into everything and that getting out the cutting board isn’t stopping you.


Some of my favorite tools to make sure I have food ready to go that can be spiced up are the crock pot chicken, plain roasted broccoli, and having a some fruit in the fridge. What are your favorite tools to keep that nutrition on track when your life gets super busy?


-- Jenna Robinson