CrossFit Train 97333

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Coach Greg Glassman and Big Soda


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WOD:   9/07/16

Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

10 rounds for time of:
155/105-lb. power cleans, 5 reps
10 walking lunges




“Fight Big Soda” that is possibly Coach Glassman’s most famous line to date. Those three words carry massive significance when it comes to CrossFit but more importantly to life. CrossFit is typically associated with certain diets, like the paleo diet for example, and the most common theme that is found in those diets is completely cutting out excess sugar. One way this is easily done is to stop drinking soda. Coach Glassman is very adamant about other people’s health and well-being and one of the things he is trying to do is to drive soda companies out of sponsoring anything related to health, he wants them to put labels on their drinks that warn consumers of the risks of drinking soda. I think it is extremely important for people of all ages to know this, to know that soda itself is a driving force to chronic disease, such as diabetes, in America but also the world. For any of you who don’t know who Coach Greg Glassman is, by the way, he is the man who invented CrossFit, not only is he a genius when it comes to exercise, but he is also a genius when it comes to business, to people’s health basically anything you can think of that relates to CrossFit in some way it seems the Coach has it mastered. On YouTube there are a plethora of videos that have Coach talking about big soda and chronic disease and how they are intertwined. 

This here is a playlist of videos that all deal with fighting big soda. I want everyone here to give them the time of day and watch the videos and understand just how dangerous this can be. I think in one of the videos Coach Glassman compares soda today to cigarettes years ago; it may seem a bit over exaggerated but the more I listened to what Coach Glassman preached and the more and more facts that surface I begin to see that that relationship is much more similar than I thought.


  • Austin Gray