Fit February
WOD: 1/27/17
12 minutes of Skill Work: The T2B
Beginner – T2B Progressions
Intermediate – Work on linking and efficiency
Advanced – Progressions on the GHD sit-up
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
20 Ab-mat sit-ups
10 left-arm overhead walking lunges
10 right-arm overhead walking lunges
Use a 60/40-lb. dumbbell on the lunges.
Fit February
Brought to you by Jon Strowbridge
CrossFit Family,
Last August I challenged myself to abstain from alcohol for 30 days. I mostly just wanted to see if I could do it and to hopefully lose some weight. I ended up enjoying the challenge so much that I wanted to challenge you to do the same during the month of February. To take it a step further, I’m also challenging you to a clean up your eating habits.
While this might be a cakewalk for some (Travis), for others it can be a great opportunity to cleanse your system while cutting out extra calories and carbs. Cutting out alcohol is self explanatory. How you decide to cleanse is up to you. You could try Whole30, The Paleo Diet, or any other clean eating experience of your choosing. A personal favorite of mine is Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live. You can buy the book on Amazon for about $10.70. I can speak to this one from experience. I noticed major changes in my energy levels and physical appearance after reading and implementing ideas from Dr. Fuhrman’s book.
Some information on Whole30 and The Paleo Diet:
Whole30: This is 30 day challenge that follows a specific set of guidelines. Currently there is a large group of Crossfit Train members participating in this challenge and they will be great resources for anyone who hasn’t tried it. To learn more about Whole30:
The Paleo Diet: Honestly, just Google that shit. There are a ton of resources!
We all know that clean eating can fall victim to convenience. Without a solid plan in place you will most likely “cheat” on your plan at some point during the month. I recommend utilizing cookbooks and online recipes. Choose one day a week for meal prep/planning and make it happen. If you have a solid plan heading into the week your likelihood for success will increase exponentially. If I know that I have a meal prepped at home I’m much less likely to give into a craving on my way home from work. As far as cookbook recommendations I have a few favorites:
Thug Kitchen: This is a Vegan cookbook that don’t taste all that vegany. Yes, I too see the humor in a person of my size being a fan of Vegan food. These authors have a couple of other cookbooks available as well.
Clean Eats: Self explanatory title here…Good, delicious recipes you will want to return to over and over.
It’s All Good: Ok, admitting to owning a Gwyneth Paltrow cookbook is slightly embarrassing. However, I’d be doing you an injustice if I didn’t mention it here because it really is full of kick-ass recipes. My wife used it as her food bible when she did an elimination diet a few summers ago and it was a life saver. It’s clean eating without having to feel like you’re sacrificing on flavor.
If you already have recipes you love or you find awesome ones along the way, leave them on the table in the back of the gym for people to see, take a picture or take.
I hope you’ll join me in the first annual Fit February! XOXO