CrossFit Train 97333

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And we are Running!

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WOD:   2/13/17

5 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
75-lb./55-lb. overhead squats, 25 reps
75-lb./55-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 25 reps

*Strict 35 minute time cap!



As the Sun gets brighter and Days get longer we will start to Run a lot more often in WODs here at CrossFit Train. This Winter has been cold, icy, and not very running friendly. But as we move towards Spring expect to see more and more days like today!

Melissa running on her hands in anticipation!!!




Scaling tips for Today's WOD from CrossFit Training:

4 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
55-lb./35-lb.* overhead squats, 15 reps
55-lb./35-lb.* sumo deadlift high pulls, 15 reps


The rounds and loads have been reduced so the athlete can complete the work under 30 minutes. Spend no more than 4 minutes on the run or reduce the distance. Before executing the workout, view the “Overhead Squat” and “Sumo Deadlift High Pull” videos on the Exercise & Demos page from Warmup both movements and find a load that allows at least 5 consecutive reps with excellent technique. During the overhead squat, press up into the bar while keeping the armpits forward. The bar should remain in the frontal plane. During the sumo deadlift high pull, keep the shoulders back. Avoid rolling the shoulders forward throughout the execution.
