The Stations!
WOD: 01/27/19
3 rounds of 2 minutes for MAX reps at
each station:
Wall-balls and/or Med-ball Cleans, 20/14lb.
Toes to Bar and/or Pull-up
Dumbbell Snatch and/or Thruster, 50/35lb.
Deadlift and/or Burpee, 185/135-lbs.
WOD: 01/27/19
3 rounds of 2 minutes for MAX reps at
each station:
Wall-balls and/or Med-ball Cleans, 20/14lb.
Toes to Bar and/or Pull-up
Dumbbell Snatch and/or Thruster, 50/35lb.
Deadlift and/or Burpee, 185/135-lbs.