CrossFit Train 97333

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19.1 Announced Thursday, Friday Night Lights 2/22

WOD: 02/20/19

2 Rounds for time of:
50 Thrusters, 45/35
25 Pull-ups, strict
25 Handstand Push-ups, strict


It’s almost that time again!!! The open is right around the corner. For the folks that have been doing CrossFit for a while now, you already know what the open is and should be super excited!!!

But, for those who are newer to the gym and newer to CrossFit in general, I will explain more:
The Open is the first step to making it to the CrossFit Games, but that's just part of the story. The open is an online competition. Each week for 5 weeks starting February 21 they announce a workout. The workouts are announced Thursday at 5pm and you have until Monday to do the workout and submit your score on the website. Each week you can view how you did compared to people around the world, United States, Oregon your age group, or even your occupation. It’s awesome to see where you stack up against other people and fun just to have a little friendly competition in our gym.

Every Friday during the Open the workout of the day at CrossFit Train will be the Open workout. During the morning classes you can come in as normal and do the WOD with athletes judging each other in class. Friday afternoons from around 3:30pm to around 6:30pm we will be hosting Friday Night Lights!!!! Everybody is welcome to come watch and workout as we all throw down that weeks Open workout! Friday Night Lights is a blast, BE THERE!

The Open is also great because it will push you harder in workouts and help you accomplish goals that you never thought you could reach. The Open is about challenging yourself and seeing what you are capable of.

So don’t be scared or nervous to sign up. Trust me its worth it and you won’t be able to wait until next year’s Open to come!