CrossFit Train 97333

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Introducing Alisha Carlson

Alisha Carlson | FindYourTHRIVE
fitness + nutrition + mindset coaching

After years of struggling with food and body image myself I decided to submerge myself in learning. In 2011 I started my journey towards becoming a lifestyle coach. With two kids under 4, I went back to school to get my degree in exercise science and nutrition. After graduating I went on to become a certified nutrition coach. Since then I’ve had the joy of working with both men and women (mostly women) to create a truly healthy and balanced lifestyle that just sort of ‘fits’ in with the rest of their life. We take a backward approach and work from the inside out.

Nutrition can often feel like a part time job or one more thing you have to stress or worry about. This was the exact way I looked at nutrition for years. I bounced between two extremes: I’d either spend countless hours micromanaging every bite of food I put into my mouth or I was like screw it and ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it.

As you can imagine neither of those approaches contributed to my overall health and often left me feeling like I was totally failing at this whole fitness thing. It seemed like this was the way it was supposed to go. Terms like “diet starts Monday” or “gotta be good” are normal in the health and fitness realm, and they became regular thoughts in my head.

The big lightbulb moment for me was when I realized I was trying to play by the rules and still wasn’t getting the results I wanted. I tried cutting out entire food groups, tracking macros, out exercising my bad diet, and none seemed to work long term.

That was when I knew there had to be another way. Eating shouldn’t feel like a job and it eating healthy shouldn’t require so much brain power.

It was around this time, I started exploring habit based nutrition. With this simple and fresh approach to nutrition you can reach your health + fitness goals without counting calories or cutting out your favorite foods. Slowly you start to replace some of your bad habits around food with better ones.

Through this slower, more intentional process you will build more confidence in your body and yourself. You learn how to make empowered decisions around food and your body with mindfulness. You can finally create the healthy lifestyle you want without all the stress, guilt, or shame around food.

By taking a non-diet approach to nutrition coaching we are able to work on your mindset first and foremost. Your mind is the place you make all your decisions from, it only makes sense we would start there. Creating a healthy mindset around your body, food, and exercise is the foundation that will ultimately allow you to reach your goals in a sustainable way without losing your sanity.

I’m here as a resource on all things nutrition and mindset related. Feel free to reach out anytime. You can connect with me on Instagram @alishacarlson_ or click here to learn more.

WOD: 04/17/19

Push Press 5-5-3-3-3-1-1 reps


21-15-9 reps for time of:
DB Push Press, Right Arm
Box Jump Overs, 24”/20”
DB Push Press, Left Arm
Box Jump Overs, 24”/20”


*50/35-lb. DB.