Please Volunteer at CrossFit Train May 18th!
Invasive Plant Removal Saturday May 18th
Sometimes we PUSH and sometimes we PULL!
Can you lend a hand on Saturday, May 18th to improve the Mill Race natural area, neighboring the box? There are two opportunities on May 18th. The first opportunity is from 9am-12pm and that time will be dedicated to removing evasive weeds. In the afternoon, from 1-5pm volunteers will be placing a bark strip in the area.
Our members have a long history of coming together and pitching to help out, be that bringing awareness to issue, raising funds for family, or improving our community. Can we count on you to show up for CrossFit Train to help out Saturday, May 18th?
It would be great if we could send a crew to help out. When the Mill Race is well kept, there is less of chance of Highway 99 flooding. When the Millrace floods, it cut us off from accessing our daily WODs, and that would suck. Did you notice how the Mill Race did not flood this year? In 2012, it did. It didn’t this year because there has been more of an effort to keep the Mill Race maintained.
Right now, SAVE THE DATE! We will talk more details soon.
Rebecka Weinsteiger has been wodding at Crossfit Train since July 2013 and still loves it. You can find her at 6am usually and on the weekends.
WOD: 04/23/19
Front Rack Lunge
5 sets of 10 Steps
10 minute AMRAP of:
10 Goblet Hold Step-overs, 53/35-lbs. To 24”/20”
100 Single-unders