CrossFit Train 97333

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Stay after the wod for mobility class!

Saturdays at 10AM with Coach Michelle 

Join Michelle for 30 to 45 min of Yoga based mobility and flexibility. We will focus on the thoracic spine, ankles, hips, and shoulders, but will pretty much hit the entire body. If you want a bit more, we will finish with some accessory work such as  handstand holds, L-sits, planks, hollow and arch holds, squat holds, etc... tabata style or accumulated time.



For time with a partner:
Row 2500m

*partner 1 must hang or plank while partner 2 rows.
*switch as needed.
*alternate between plank and hang.
*no rowing unless partner is hanging or planking.

4 rounds for time of:
200m Sled Drag/Prowler/Carry
50 Wall-balls

*share sled drag and wall-balls as needed.