Friday Night Lights
The CrossFit Train 2022 Open
Weekly Themes:
Week 1: Team Colors/Go Beavers!
Week 2: Heroes and Villains
Week 3: USA
Point System:
1 point - Athlete completes Open WOD at Friday Night Lights, any and all Scaling counts.
1 point - Athlete completes Open WOD at another time and/or place and Submits Score Card
*Must have a Scorecard complete to receive a point.
1 point - Post to Facebook or Instagram about the workout and TAGS @crossfittrain
1 point - Athlete Judges 2 other Athletes at Friday Night Lights. *Max 1 point per athlete.
1 point - Athlete dresses up for the weekly Theme at Friday Night Lights.
1 point - Athlete dresses up at another time and/or place and coach signs off on Scorecard
*Must have Scorecard signed off that you dressed up to receive a point.
1 point - Bring Friends or Family to watch Friday Night Lights. *Max 2 points per athlete.
2 points - Top 5 Male and Female Athletes in each WOD.
2 points - Top 5 Male and Female Scaled in each WOD.
2 points - Top 3 Male and Female Masters in each WOD. (40+)
2 points - Athlete sets a PR or gets a “First Ever” in a WOD.
5 points - Spirit Award at Friday Night Lights each Week.
5 points - Most Athletes on a Team at Friday Night Lights each Week.
*Random point challenges and other categories may be added throughout the Three Weeks of the Open.
Every 1:30 for 10 sets:
Front Squat, 7 reps
2 sets of:
15-10-5 reps of:
DB Squats, 50/35-lb. DBs
50 Double-unders
*Rest 3:00 between sets