
WOD: 06/14/19

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

For time:
150 Wall-balls, 20/14-lbs.

This is NOT how i recommend trying to go about this WOD :)

What I do recommend is quick sets of 10 reps at a time!

Derek Eason
The 2020 CrossFit Games Season

WOD: 06/13/19

“Row Runner”
20 minute AMRAP of:
400m Run
21 KB Swings, 53/35-lbs.
12 Push-ups
400m Row
21 DB Snatches, 50/35-lbs.
12 Push-ups


By CrossFit

Last August, CrossFit, Inc. announced its first sanctioned event, the Dubai CrossFit Championship: an inaugural step in boldly expanding the competitive CrossFit season to meet the explosive growth of CrossFit competitions around the globe.

Today, CrossFit, Inc. announces the 2020 CrossFit Sanctionals™ season.

The season will kick off in November 2019 with the much-anticipated CrossFit Filthy 150 in Dublin, Ireland, directly following the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Open in October 2019. The season will conclude in Mexico at the Mayan CrossFit Championship during the first weekend in July. The 2020 CrossFit Sanctionals™ season will span the globe: 28 events in 21 different countries on six continents. From November to the following October, a CrossFit-sanctioned event will take place nearly every weekend somewhere around the world.

As in 2019, top finishers at each CrossFit Sanctionals™ event will receive invitations to compete against National Champions and the top 20 Open finishers at the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin.

These 28 independently owned and operated events represent the hard work, aspirations, and dreams of CrossFit affiliates, enthusiasts, volunteers, and athletes the world over. The majority of these competitions are long-standing events in their communities, with histories predating this new format. Each is a unique and particular expression of CrossFit’s universal methodology. Together, they represent CrossFit’s extraordinary and diverse international community.

The best way to enjoy a CrossFit Sanctionals™ competition is to participate in one. CrossFit is a participatory sport. Many sanctioned competitions have open categories for athletes of every ability. Others have robust team divisions. All need volunteers. All are welcoming. And all are eager to share their hard work and competitive vision with the worldwide CrossFit community. The Sanctionals™ have expanded the opportunities available to all who wish to express their fitness or enthusiasm in an officially sanctioned CrossFit competition.

Derek Eason

WOD: 06/12/19

Build to a heavy:
Squat Clean Thruster

“Cluster Fran”
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Clusters, 95/65 lbs.
Pull ups

Derek Eason
Handstand and L-sit Practice

WOD: 06/11/19

Spend 20 minutes Practicing:

“Pandora’s Box”

15 minute AMRAP of:
60 Double-unders
12 Box jump overs , 24”/20”
12 Handstand push ups

Derek Eason
Motivation Monday

Some Murph Monday Motivation!

Go Get It!!!!!!

WOD: 06/10/19


For time:
1000m Run
21 Power Cleans
21 Front Squats
800m Run
15 Power Cleans
15 Front Squats
600m Run
9 Power Cleans
9 Front Squats


Derek Eason
Sunday Funday

WOD: 06/09/19

“McGhee” Plus

30 min AMRAP with a partner:
5 deadlifts, 275/185-lbs.
13 handstand push-ups
9 box step-ups, 50/35-lb. DBs to 24”/20”

*Share reps as needed throughout.

Derek Eason
Saturday Teams of Two

WOD: 06/08/19

“Dos Amigos”

For time:
Teams of 2
Buy in:
2000m relay sprint

20 rounds: You go, I go
10 Single-arm DB Thrusters, 50/35-lbs.
30 double unders

*Time Cap 40 minutes.

Derek Eason
Understanding CrossFit, Part 3

WOD: 06/07/19

Strict press
4-4-4 reps

Push press
3-3-3-3 reps

Push Jerk
2-2-2-2-2 reps


Floater Sprint:
250m row
250m ski
500m assault bike


by Greg Glassman


Our commitment to evidence-based fitness, publicly posting performance data, co-developing our program in collaboration with other coaches, and our open-source charter in general has well positioned us to garner important lessons from our program—to learn precisely and accurately, that is, about the adaptations elicited by CrossFit programming. What we’ve discovered is that CrossFit increases work capacity across broad time and modal domains. This is a discovery of great import and has come to motivate our programming and refocus our efforts. This far-reaching increase in work capacity supports our initially stated aims of building a broad, general, and inclusive fitness program. It also explains the wide variety of sport demands met by CrossFit as evidenced by our deep penetration among diverse sports and endeavors. We’ve come to see increased work capacity as the holy grail of performance improvement and all other common metrics like VO2 max, lactate threshold, body composition, and even strength and flexibility as being correlates—derivatives, even. We’d not trade improvements in any other fitness metric for a decrease in work capacity.


The modest start of publicly posting our daily workouts on the Internet beginning six years ago has evolved into a community where human performance is measured and publicly recorded against multiple, diverse, and fixed workloads. CrossFit is an open-source engine where inputs from any quarter can be publicly given to demonstrate fitness and fitness programming, and where coaches, trainers, and athletes can collectively advance the art and science of optimizing human performance.

Taken from http://www.crossfit.com/cf-seminars/CertRefs/CF_Manual_v4.pdf

Derek Eason
Rolling Stones

WOD: 06/06/19

“Rolling Stones”
5 minute AMRAP of:
200m Row
20 Ab-mat sit ups

Rest 5 minutes

6 minute AMRAP of:
200m row
15 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50/35-lbs.

Rest 6 minutes

7 minute AMRAP of:
200m Row
10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk, 50/35-lbs.

Pay attention to how you ROW!

Check out this video and then listen to your coaches feedback!

Derek Eason
Understanding CrossFit, Part 2

WOD: 06/05/19

Front Squat

4-4-3-3-3-2-2 reps

3 rounds for time:
21 Wall-balls, 20/14-lbs.
18 Pull-ups
15 KB swings, 53/35-lbs.
12 Decline Push-ups, feet on 20” box


by Greg Glassman


The methodology that drives CrossFit is entirely empirical. We believe that meaningful statements about safety, efficacy, and efficiency, the three most important and interdependent facets of any fitness program, can be supported only by measurable, observable, repeatable facts, i.e., data. We call this approach “evidence-based fitness”. The CrossFit methodology depends on full disclosure of methods, results, and criticisms, and we’ve employed the Internet (and various intranets) to support these values. Our charter is open source, making co-developers out of participating coaches, athletes, and trainers through a spontaneous and collaborative online community. CrossFit is empirically driven, clinically tested, and community developed.


In implementation, CrossFit is, quite simply, a sport— the “sport of fitness.” We’ve learned that harnessing the natural camaraderie, competition, and fun of sport or game yields an intensity that cannot be matched by other means. The late Col. Jeff Cooper observed that “the fear of sporting failure is worse than the fear of death.” It is our observation that men will die for points. Using whiteboards as scoreboards, keeping accurate scores and records, running a clock, and precisely defining the rules and standards for performance, we not only motivate unprecedented output but derive both relative and absolute metrics at every workout; this data has important value well beyond motivation.

Taken from http://www.crossfit.com/cf-seminars/CertRefs/CF_Manual_v4.pdf

Derek Eason