Training while under the weather
WOD: 10/21/15
"Fight Gone Bad!"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20/14 pound ball
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds
Box Jump, 2014" box
Push-press, 75/55 pounds
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Sweating while sick, will it make you suck less?
Training while sick…. Should you? (Taken from the RX Review)
Being sick sucks. It’s going to happen at some stage, and you will be struck down with a cold or flu when you least want it. At these times you have some decisions to make. Do you push through, do you rest completely, do you get some half-assed training in? What is the right course of action?
Most of us crazy CrossFitters will choose to push through. That’s how we’re built, and it’s what we do best. But is it ideal to train sick?
No. Not at all.
It sometimes takes a couple days to realize, and accept the fact that you are in fact, sick. Once those two days are out of the way and you’ve spread a few germs among your CrossFit family, this is when you start to realize that you are screwed and you start bargaining with yourself and the flu. You then decide to cut back your training, still trying to push through another day or two, only to finally realize, in a state of anger, that it’s over. You’re screwed and the inevitable has finally become reality – you have to rest! You’re sore all over, your joints ache, your coughing up phlegm, your nose is running and your throat is dry and tickling all night.
You’re sick. It’s time to surrender, sleep, rest, cut your training out completely and take the time to allow your body’s immune system to do its job.
My advice is to get as much rest as possible in that first week. Your first week begins from the moment you realize and accept that you are sick, from the moment you surrender and begin to rest and hydrate. The second week is when you can begin to train again, staying on top of your sleep and hydration. At this stage you’re good to train – but it should be with very low expectations and at a lower intensity than you’d ideally like. Strength work and lighter aerobic work are ideal here. This is the week to help your immune system by mobilizing your body, blood and oxygen systems! It’s not the week to smash yourself back into fitness because you missed a few days last week. In the scheme of things, the period of rest when you were sick will always serve you well. It will help your body get a break, even if it was un-welcomed and un-invited.
Bottom line is we get sick. It is somewhat avoidable, but it’s also inevitable. Do what you can to help yourself avoid flu, but if, and when you do go down, surrender and rest sooner. Don’t be a hero and keep pushing through, it’s embarrassing and fairly pointless. Get sick, rest, get well, move on with your life. Simple!
Article brought to you by Caitlin Brennan