Fall Apparel is here!!!

WOD:   10/26/15

Following the pattern of 2-4-6-8, etc. reps, complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
225/155-lb. deadlifts
Strict handstand push-ups

Rest 5 minutes

Then, following the pattern of 2-4-6-8, etc. reps, complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
155/105-lb. power cleans
One-legged squats



IT IS NEW SHIRT AND HOODY TIME! Check out the new design:

The "base" color (blue above) will be the color of the garment you order, see below. These are going to look super sharp!

We will be offering two t-shirt colors, charcoal black and true royal, and one hoody color, true navy. The shirts are the same as our previous order (so comfy) and the hoody is one of my and Coach Sean's favorites! 

We will have blanks for you guys to try on as well as an order sign-up in the gym through November 6th. As with last time, these are PRE-ORDER ONLY and cash or check made out to Derek Eason, LLC. If you want one, don't wait! 

T-shirts will be $25 and hoodies will be $45.

Derek Eason