Mobility First!
Fall Apparel is here!
PRE-ORDER ONLY with cash or check made out to Derek Eason, LLC. If you want one, don't wait!
T-shirts are $25 and hoodies are $45.
WOD: 10/30/15
Work up to a heavy Power Clean and Jerk in 12 minutes.
For time:
Run 800 meters
Clean and Jerk, 30 reps
Run 800 meters
Does this picture have a lot to do with mobility? Kinda maybe, but it is a damn good memory of when we first moved onto the bigger box!
Mobility First!
I was watching a video from Coach Burgener and he was talking about the three things you need when Olympic lifting. His list entailed:
In that order. He talks about people that have great speed and strength. You can still get away with a lot in your lifts because you are fast enough, strong enough, or both. Yet, if you have shit for mobility than you will never be able to reach your potential as a lifter because not having the mobility to get in the proper position will stop you from reaching that potential. You will only be able to get away with speed and strength for so long. That’s why it is so important to work on that mobility daily! Even if you can get in that stretch you need for a few minutes each day it will start to pay off in the long run with your mobility and in turn, your lifts. If you want to check out the video you can here:
Written by Coach Sean