Introducing the Lurong Living Challenge
*Noon Class is no more, there will no longer be noon classes for at least the next couple months. We are all very sorry, but none of us coaches can be there during that class time.
Schedule for this Week 12/28/15 - 01/03/15
Monday: Normal
Tuesday: Normal
Wednesday: Normal
Thursday: NO 5:30pm or 6:30pm
Friday: No Classes!
Saturday and Sunday: Normal
WOD: 12/29/15
Hang squat clean 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1
Death by Pull-ups
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Introducing the Lurong Living Challenge!
We are looking forward to the beginning of a new year and with that many people think about how they can get their nutrition back on track. Rebecka W. found this awesome challenge that you can participate in with the gym! It’s called the Lurong Living Resolution Challenge and it will kick your year off the right way in the gym and with your nutrition. Here are the details!
It’s a 5 week challenge starting on January 18th, with 3 different diet levels and fitness levels. Each level meets you where you are and will help you improve on the good habits you already have. Everyone in the challenge will submit starting and final pictures, weights, body measurements, and make resolutions. The 3 diet levels are Elite, Pro, and Starter, you can check out more information about the diet levels here.
The challenge costs $45 per athlete. What does that money get you, a community (in our gym and the other people participating), a chance at tons of prizes, access to a huge recipes index, and the awesome online platform for the challenge. The supportive community of CrossFitter’s also doing the challenge is a huge perk for me, knowing that other people are with you in this make the challenge that much easier!
Check out all the details here and feel free to ask Jenna or Rebecka any questions you might have! If you are ready to register you can do that here, just make sure to find CrossFit Train 97333 so I can validate your scores and submissions.
We can’t wait to get started soon!
Written by Jenna Robinson