Featured Member: Caspian

We are in the new space!!!
We will be using the side door as the entrance for now.
Please do not park in front of the offices.
You may park along the side of the building, in the gravel lot, or over where we used to park.


For time:
100 Air Squats
20 Pull-ups
80 Air Squats
20 Pull-ups
60 Air Squats
20 Pull-ups
40 Air Squats
20 Pull-ups
20 Air Squats

When and why did you start crossfit? I started crossfit in August last year. I started because I have pectus cravatum, essentially my sternum grows outward.  That is why you might see me wearing a brace over my chest.  My dad does crossfit and he suggested that crossfit might help me build the muscles to hide it.

What made you chose Crossfit Train? I didn’t know there was another crossfit, I lived close to it and my Dad was going to Train.  Now we live close to a different box, but Crossfit Train is great and has a good reputation.  I am just curious… would you say it is worth riding your bike across town for? ­­­­­ From my house to CrossFit Train, it's about a 15-20 minute bike ride; but CrossFit is TOTALLY worth it! I don't mind the bike ride at this time of year, but I dread biking during the winter when it's pouring rain! By now, I've probably been almost hit by a car about 15 times, but I don't mind. It's more annoying at this point than anything.  

What do you like best about crossfit and what keeps you coming back for more? I like that the WODs are different every day.  It would be boring otherwise.  It is cool you don’t know what it is going to be.  I like that in crossfit everyone cheers everyone on, you don’t get that at a normal gym where you are likely by yourself and that is totally different.

What is your workout schedule?  Which class times do you prefer? During the school year I go to the  6:30-pm WOD every day of the week, but not weekends because I don’t want to wake up that early.   Now that is summer I go a little earlier so I can eat dinner afterwards.  How do you make time for crossfit? I don’t know.  I finish most of my homework in school.  I have time - I don’t have to make time for it. 

Describe your most memorable crossfit moment?  The OPEN was a blast, more fun than I thought it would be! More embarrassing though – I once push jerked a weight, I didn’t make it and fell.  It was so embarrassing.  The community turned the moment around, everyone said that it has happened to people all the time and I felt a lot better. 

Tell me about the nickname “Badasspian”: Well when Clare was still at Train she gave me the nickname Badasspian because she thought it fit me.

Do you remember your first workout? I remember it had teeter squats in it. I used a 10lb weight and I was so sore everywhere!

What type of music to do you like to work out to? What is your favorite work out song?  I like Emenem, Fallout Boy’s “Centuries” because it is positive.  Oh -and heavy rock.  Basically everything we have at the box… I like.

Any advice for someone thinking about starting crossfit? I have talked to other students and my friends, I tell them to stop thinking about it and just do it.  You are missing out.  It is not bad for you.  You get out the house and you exercise. It is a win win. 

What is the first thing you think about when you wake up? On school day, I think “Why does school have to be so early?”  On other days I think about the stuff I need to do, like my homework.  And I think about what is for breakfast.

Where was your last vacation, what took you there?  My last vacation was at Great Wolf Lodge.  We went last month.  It was super fun.  I was a little family vacation with my Mom.  Whenever we go to my Dad’s house in Ashland, that always feels like a vacation too.  I went to New York City in 2012 when I competed in a national yoga competition.

You don’t compete in yoga anymore? No. Probably the main reason is I don’t like the breathing exercise. It is good for you, but I just don’t like it.

Describe your athletic background:  I did yoga for 2 years.  I have participated many sports: baseball, football, basketball, soccer. 

Tell us about your family: I have a Mom, Dad, and my Mom’s boyfriend.  I also have two younger sisters ages eleven and thirteen.  I have a younger brother who is seven.  What is like to be oldest?  It is fun, but there are a lot more chores when you’re the oldest.  I have to watch what I say, because everyone is younger than me.  My youngest brother will not have to worry about that.

What do you like to do for fun? I work at Crooked Furrow Farm.  I do everything except drive the tractor.  I weed. I plant. I harvest.  I fertilize.  I clean.  I love it.  It is the only work I have, but I have done landscaping to.  I love to go swimming.  Not in pools.  I don’t really like the chlorine.  I like oceans and rivers.  I like all the fish. 

Tell us about your goals – short term/long term: In crossfit -I think it would be cool to win the Crossfit Games.  It would most likely happen while I am younger.  In life- I hope to one day have a huge house because I am going be an actor.  I want to have ten good sized fancy goldfish aquariums.  And a Corvette would be super nice. 

Any advice for anyone thinking about joining crossfit train?  I would pester them to try it.  I would tell them to try it once, it is awesome.  You have nothing to lose.  It is super fun and good for you.

Interview by Rebecka Weinsteiger

Derek Eason