Still use your Heads!
July 3rd at 6:30pm
Grand Opening/July 4th Barbeque!!! At the Box!
Bring meat, sides, and drinks. We will provide the grills, music, and space!
Lets Party!!!
Nutrition Challenge:
Cassie and Jenna will be holding a nutrition seminar about the Nutrition Challenge and the Paleo Diet.
We want to know when you all are available to attend, so a doodle poll has been created:
Everybody interested in nutrition or the Paleo diet are welcome to attend
Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Five rounds for time of:
10 Toes to bar
75/55 pound Power snatch, 10 reps
10 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
Guys this is just a friendly reminder. The new space is awesome and we no longer have to worry about smacking each other while we are doing double unders in a full class or how close our barbell may be to someone. With this new luxury however, that doesn’t mean start doing dumb things such as throwing your barbells down from overhead, or throwing the weight forward just because you still have a little more room to move.
Also make sure to clean up your weights, bars, boxes, bands, and any other equipment you use. In the bigger space it can be very tempting to leave things where they are simply because we have so much room. Please remember to put stuff back were you got it!
Make sure you still treat everything just as you have, as this new space is yours and we want to keep it nice! Enjoy it, have fun, and get ready for some new things!
Plenty of room for everybody to be ballin'
Friendly Reminder Courtesy of Sean Mackey