CrossFit Train 97333

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A New Summer Favorite!

Sign up and pay for your NEW T-shirts and Tanks!!!
Payment due by Friday!
Pay in cash or checks to Derek Eason, LLC.


12 minutes to work on any gymnastics movements: Pull-ups, Push-ups, Rope Climbs, MU, HSPU, L-sits, etc.

Five rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
30 Squats
7 Handstand push-ups

     Do you ever find yourself looking for something new, delicious, BUT EASY TO MAKE, to bring to the countless potlucks you find yourself going to during the summer months? In the past, I have been a huge fan of the industrial size veggie tray. Those days are over. I have come across the most wonderful recipe, that is easy to make, and freaking delicious…. oh yeah, and its Paleo! This paleo chicken salad is good for any meal of the day! Give it a try, and let me know how you like it! Or, better yet, feel free to bring me any left overs :)

Recipe Brought to you by Caitlin Brennan