
The blogs will now be posted at around 9pm the night before the WOD!!!
Don't be cherry pickers! Make me happy that I did this!

WOD:   7/29/15

21-15-9 reps for time:
Pull-ups, strict
Handstand Push-ups, strict
Squat Clean 135/95

Squatting is one of the most basic movements we perform and doing them properly is very important. Sending the hips back first, and keeping weight back in the heels allows the weight to be loaded into the large muscles in your posterior chain, such as your hamstrings and glutes. It also keeps the stress out of your knees. Driving your knees out allows room for your hips to sink lower and avoids unnecessary stress on your knees as well. Squatting below parallel allows the use of all the muscles in your legs and allows the strength you build to be transferred to olympic lifts like the clean and snatch.

Building the flexibility and strength required to do a squat ass to grass is not just important for the gym, but also important to maintain quality of life into old age. The strength you build will allow you to do things such as stand up out of a chair, get up off the ground, and go to the bathroom by yourself. I am sure that these are things that all of us would like to be able to accomplish on our own, well into our golden years. So send those hips back, drive those knees out, get your ass bellow parallel and develop some beautiful squats.

A squatting message brought to you by Jacob Hoke

Austin exercising some awesome squat mechanics and excellent headband etiquette.

Austin exercising some awesome squat mechanics and excellent headband etiquette.

Derek Eason