Caffeine and Your Performance
Pre-Order your CrossFit Train Summer T-shirts and Tanks!!!
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Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
75/50-lb. dumbbell snatches, 10 reps
20 box jumps, 24/20-inch box
5am waking up the right way, with some running. (I'm sure there was some caffeine involved too!!)
Ever wonder if that coffee you are drinking to wake up in the morning can do anything besides just get you moving in the morning? The answer is yes, research has shown that caffeine can have a positive effect on your performance. It is also important to remember that caffeine is still a drug and you can build up tolerances to it. Caffeine has been found to help enhance endurance levels, it helps mobilize fat stores and encourage working muscles to use fat as a fuel. Which means that caffeine will help promote the use of stored fat for energy rather than your glycogen stores which will increase fat burning. It may also help reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness, also known as DOMS. There is a great article that you can check out by following the link below that goes into more detail about all the goodness of caffeine!
Written by Sean Mackey