CrossFit Train 97333

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Movement Prep

WOD:   9/1/15

15-12-9 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters

   Rest 5 minutes

12-9-6 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters

   Rest 5 minutes

9-6-3 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters


John getting after some med ball cleans!

I’ve been curious about the science behind warms up as the standards in exercise have changed in the recent years (last 10 years). In the old days you would do lots of static stretching to get warmed up but there has been a shift toward movement prep over static stretching. So what's the deal and what should we focus on that when we warm up.              

Movement prep is essentially by warming up specific movement patterns, your body will then execute these better during the workout. Movement prep will prepare you physically, mentally, increase your heart rate, core temperature, and blood flow to working muscles. It wakes up both the large and small muscle groups appropriate and helps them work together.

An example of movement prep would be doing air squats during your warm up for a day that we are doing heavy back squats as the strength component. This primes all the muscles you need to properly execute a good heavy back squat.

Incorporating movement prep has also been associated with better injury prevention and improving long term mobility and flexibility. At CrossFit Train we practice movement prep with our warm up every day. This is also why we always do the Burgener warm up every time we olympic lift. The Burgener is a great example of specific movement prep. Check out this article about movement prep.

By Jenna Robinson

Workout Courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.