Horizontal Pulling

WOD:   9/4/15

Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps at 90%

5 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots, 20/14-lb. ball
225/155-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps

Nick’ showing why horizontal pulling is important for chest-to-bar pull ups!

Barbell Shrugged podcast puts out a new technique WOD pretty much every week. The demo and give good tips on technique for a variety of movements. I watched their one on horizontal pulling (found here). This is SUPER IMPORTANT if you have achey shoulders related to weak upper back muscles! The movements they touch in this video:

            1. Ring row - with increasing difficulty modification

            2. Bent over barbell rows

            3. Chest supported rows - great for people who compensate a lot

            4. One Arm Row

Horizontal rows will help you build your sculptural stability with out beating up your shoulders with pull ups and jerks. It can also act as pre-hab for your shoulders so that you don’t get an injury. Including it as little as 2x per week can help you keep your shoulder healthy and ache-free! Ask a coach is you have any questions and they would love to show you how to do all of these exercises!

Written By Jenna Robinson

Metcon Courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.

Derek Eason