CrossFit Train 97333

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Featured Member: Greg Benge

WOD:   9/8/15

Front Squat 7-7-7-7-7-7-7 reps

Ten rounds for time of:
7 Burpees
7 Knees to elbows

When and why did you start Crossfit? What made you chose Crossfit Train?

I started Crossfit last summer while I was in Portland working on an internship. I had always been interested in trying it out, but wasn’t sure how well I could handle the weightlifting elements. Before Crossfit I had done some Muay Thai and really enjoyed that, so I found a gym that incorporated both. Once I started learning the movements and getting involved in the community, I was hooked.

I chose Crossfit Train because it appeared to be the only legitimate Crossfit gym in the Corvallis area (based on website and facilities). Derek was very welcoming during my fundamental class and that made the decision to choose Crossfit Train easier.

What do you like best about Crossfit?

I like the challenge and the level of fitness Crossfit keeps my body in. I keep coming back to improve myself both physically and mentally and also for those awkward comments and inappropriate jokes that keep me laughing.

What is your workout schedule?  Which class times do you prefer? How do you make time for Crossfit?

For about the last 5 months I have strictly been a 3:30 guy with an occasional Friday morning or weekend workout just to mess with Derek.  I like 3:30 because it splits up my day nicely while working on my final project for my graduate degree (and of course the people).  My internship just ended, so making time to come in isn’t a challenge at this point, but that hasn’t always been the case.  I have been busier while working and going to school and I just made coming in a regular part of my day.  Crossfit is as important as studying for a test or turning in a work assignment. Regular attendance keeps my energy levels up and mental capacity sharp.

Describe your most memorable Crossfit moment?

My most memorable Crossfit moment was Brooke’s going away party; it was my first time hanging out with Crossfit Train members outside the gym.  I had a great time and it was awesome to get to talk with so many people I had never had the chance to meet.

Do you remember your first workout?

I remember coming in and being totally overwhelmed, not knowing who I had chatted with or emailed, and then being thrown into a regular workout before my first fundamental. Everyone was very encouraging and friendly; they did a good job selling the gym to me.

What type of music do you like to work out to? What is your favorite work out song?

I like a constant switch in musical styles and songs so that I’m not constantly hearing the same songs over and over, but overall I’m definitely a dubstep/trap/edm music guy (all about that bass).  My favorite workout song is of course Bring Sally Up (I like the song challenges).

Any advice for anyone thinking about starting Crossfit?

I would advise anyone to give it a try. If you’re serious about getting in shape, this is the way to go. I would also say not to worry about starting out, there are modifications for everything and the coaches are there to help. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Crossfit Train, and would recommend it to anyone thinking of joining.

What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?

Food and coffee, then I can move on from there.

Where was your last vacation, what took you there?

Napa, California.  My friend moved there and got a management position at Gallo Winery, so needless to say I got an awesome spring break trip for cheap.

Describe your athletic background:

While I have played sports throughout my grade/middle/high school days, I would not consider myself to be a very athletic person. Not until high school football did I really get into good shape.  I dedicated many hours in the weight room and on the field. Once at OSU for my undergrad I lost all motivation to work out, and reached a peak weight right after my graduation. I started running to get myself back in shape, and have since branched out to other forms of exercise.

Tell us about your family:

My immediate family consists of me, my Mom Terri, and my Dad Norm (only child, don’t judge). I also have a girlfriend Madison, and an amazing group of close friends that always know how to have a good time.

Tell us about your occupation:

My internship consisted of assessing stream restoration at a watershed scale. In short I compiled a lot of stream restoration project information in an attempt to better understand how restoration work affects salmon habitat. This work is also what I’m using for my final graduate project, which is in Environmental Sciences with a focus on Water Resources.

Tell us about your goals – short term/long term:

One big one that’s both short and long term is finding a job! With my internship just finishing up and my final project almost complete, I looking to start my career. In regard to Crossfit, I would really like to keep improving on my pull-ups, and eventually get a bar muscle-up.  I would also like to come in and work on things we normally don’t get to like bench presses and sled pushs, and maybe flip one of those tires I see outside.

What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy going on hikes, hanging out with friends, snowboarding, camping, binge watching Netflix, and learning about environmental topics and issues.

Interview and picture by Rebecka Weinsteiger

Workout brought to you by CrossFit, Inc.