CrossFit Train 97333

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Fix your Running!!!

Sign up for the Open!

WOD:   2/02/16

Deadlift 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 reps

3 rounds Each For Time of:
Airdyne 25 calories
Run 400m

*Rest as needed between rounds.


Austin and Caitlin running in the sun!

Fix Your Running!

I came across a great article talking about running. It talks about if you can hear your feet pounding the pavement, you’re doing it wrong. One great quote out of it was along the lines of “If you can hear your feet, can you imagine what your body is feeling?” Which makes a lot of sense if you are pounding your feet like that, then you are in turn pounding your body. You can check out the article here: from Tabata Times, and it gives a few drills to help you be lighter on your feet!

Written by Sean Mackey, who may or may not pound his feet while running.