Our Community!

Friday at 7pm, Halloween Party at the Box

Get yourself a costume, bring some food to share and some drinks to drink!!!


WOD:   10/26/16

15 minutes of gymnastics practice: Pull-ups, Push-ups, Muscle-ups, HSPU. Rope Climbs, Dips, etc. 

AMRAP 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
30 Double-unders
10 Thrusters 95/65



The Community!

The thing I love most about Crossfit Train is you guys! Our community is awesome and a very special thing that we have. You guys motivate me everyday to strive to be a better coach, athlete, and all around person! I’m sure each and everyone one of you has something that you love about our community, because it is that awesome. One other thing that I love about our community is that it makes you feel accountable for showing up to workouts and getting after it each day! We all have those days when we are dragging a little, but we know we have to get our asses to the box and workout because if we don’t someone is going to know we didn’t make it and give us shit for it. With that being said we have lots of new faces joining our community all the time and it is important to make them feel welcome! Be the first person to run over and say Hi to a face you don’t know! We want our newest members to see how awesome this place is and how we all motivate each other!

Another great community builder is attending our parties! The Halloween Party is this Friday at 7pm, be there and hang out with old friends while meeting new ones!

--Sean Mackey

Derek Eason