CrossFit Train 97333

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Everyday Warrior WOD #1 and Halloween Party Reminder!

Today at 7pm, Halloween Party at the Box!!!

Get yourself a costume, bring some food to share and some drinks to drink!!!


WOD:   10/28/16

Work up to a heavy Deadlift

Week 1: “VIGOR” 12 Minute AMRAP

RX Version:
3 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs. (This STARTS Every Round)
3 Box Jump Over 24/20 inches (Step Ups Allowed)
3 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs.
6 Box Jump Over
3 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs.
9 Box Jump Over


RX Deadlift: 275/185 lbs.
Scaled Deadlift: 185/115 lbs.
Masters Deadlift: 225/135 lbs.
Masters Scaled Deadlift: 155/95 lbs.
Teens Deadlift: 185/115 lbs.



The loaded barbell will start on the floor, the athlete will lift until the hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must remain straight throughout the lift and no bouncing of the barbell is allowed.

The athlete may jump over the box without touching it, or may land on top (with both feet) before jumping off to the other side. Step-ups are allowed [for all divisions] as long as both feet touch the top of the box before stepping down. The athlete may not use their hands, and the feet must go over the box, not around it.

Each rep ends on the opposite side of the box from where it began.

SCORE: Total Reps*

*Athlete will continue the rep scheme, performing 3 Deadlifts at the beginning of each round and increasing the Box Jump Over by 3 reps each round, until 12-Minutes have elapsed.


There is still time to SIGN UP FOR EVERYDAY WARRIOR!!!