Paleo Christmas Dessert Ideas!!!
Annual Crossfit Train Ugly Sweater
Holiday Party!
When: Friday, December 9th at 5pm
Where: Travis Gray’s House (address is at the gym)
Bring: A Paleo Baked Good and a Dish to Share!
WOD: 12/06/16
4 rounds for time of:
20 kettlebell swings, 70/53-lbs.
20 deficit push-ups (Plates, Parallettes, or Rings)
Run 400 meters
Paleo Baked Goods Recipes!
Since this Holiday Party is also a Bake-off, I thought I would try to provide some inspiration with some links to recipes Online.
If you bring a Paleo dessert please remember to bring the recipe so that other people can make it over the Holidays too!