It is almost here!!!

Follow the link and sign up for the Open!

WOD:   2/19/16

5 Rounds Each for time of:
20/15 Calories Airdyne
10 Overhead Squats 115/75

Overhead Squat



It Is Almost Here!

We are closing in on the Open. Now less than two weeks away. If you follow anything Crossfit on social media it is pretty unavoidable. Which is pretty cool! There are lots of “Why are you doing the Open", "Memories from the Open", etc posts which is awesome as well.
The Open really is a great way to test your fitness and see where you stand to years past. It really is a great community builder. One thing I’ve learned from the past is to remember to just relax and have fun with it. It is easy to get a little worked up from it but in the end it is all about just doing another workout and having some fun!
Also, for me it is so I can trash talk Travis even if he does beat me in all the workouts. That’s right! I’m coming for you big guy!

Written by Sean Mackey reminding you to have fun and find somebody to smack talk with!!!

Sean versus Travis, who is going to win!!!???

Derek Eason