March Goals
WOD: 3/01/16
For time, working on the odd minutes, and resting on the even minutes:
100 chest-to-bar pull-ups
95/65-lb. push presses, 125 reps
95/65-lb. back squats, 150 reps
Work from 0:00 to 1:00, rest from 1:00-2:00, work from 2:00-3:00, rest from 3:00-4:00, etc.
Family and friends spectating and cheering at our first Friday Night Lights of 2016.
Today is the start of a new month, which means another chance to make some new goals and get after them!
With the Open season upon us this can be a big time of improvement for many of us CrossFitters and it is important to capitalize on that. So it is time to make some attainable goals and get working towards achieving them.
I look forward to seeing the March Goal board all filled up by the end of the week!