Accessory Work

Sign up for the Open!

WOD:   2/5/16

For time:
Accumulate 2 minutes hanging from a pull-up bar, directly into...
25-20-15-10 reps of:
Chest-to-bar Pull-up
Handstand Push-ups


Kay and Jules getting ready to Shoot Through!Parallette shoot-throughs are a great accessory exercise as well.

Kay and Jules getting ready to Shoot Through!
Parallette shoot-throughs are a great accessory exercise as well.

Accessory Work

    As you all should know by now we are about a month out from the Open. You may be wanting to get a little extra work in over the next month, or even just in general. One thing that is always great to work on is our midline. We work from our core to our extremities so we need our core to be ready to handle the challenges and stressors we put it under. Having a strong midline will help with your stabilization and in turn everything else you are doing. In and outside of the box. If you are looking to put in some extra work, using that time on your midline will be time well spent! Toes to Bar, GHD sit-ups, Ab-wheel, L-sits, and many other exercises are all great midline accessories to add to you day.

Written by Sean Mackey who would like to remind you to sign up for the Open!

Derek Eason