9am classes start today!
Follow the link and sign up for the Open! http://games.crossfit.com/
WOD: 2/9/16
12 minutes to Establish a Heavy:
Three Position Snatch
(Floor, Hang Below the Knee, Hang)
Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135/95 pound Squat snatch
Our very first 9am class starts today.
We will be offering 9am every Tuesday and Thursday as long as there is demand.
If you want to keep this class around or would even like it to become three days a week then make sure to come to as many of them as you can!!!
And now some videos of today's workout "Amanda" when it was first unveiled at the 2010 CrossFit Games. This videos are long so just skip ahead to the good stuff. In 2010 this workout was tough for some big name crossfitters who nowadays would be crushing this workout with way faster times.
Men's finals.
Women's finals.