The 2016 CrossFit Games Open is Over!!!!!

Make sure to submit your 16.5 scores under CrossFit Train 97333 by 5pm Monday night!!!


WOD:   3/28/16

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Overhead Squats 95/65


Look at all those Scorecards!!!

All of you at CrossFit Train rocked this Open!!!!!
Every Friday Night Lights was super fun and badass.

Some people got some awesome firsts, some people beat old times, and everybody worked hard and surprised themselves!

Thank you to everybody who was involved as an athlete, judge, or spectator. You all made the 2016 Open Season a blast!

I am super excited for next year!
Ok and a little nervous :)

Derek Eason