16.2 Recap!
16.2 Scores are due by 5pm Monday night!!!
Make sure to put your scores in with CrossFit Train 97333 as the affiliate where they took place, or they will not be able to be validated!
WOD: 3/07/16
At 0:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Overhead squat 95/65
At 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Power Clean 95/65
At 20:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
*This is three separate WODS each for time, a new workout begins each 10 minutes.
Thanks again for the amazing photos Tish Bottaro!
16.2 was another awesome Friday Night Lights and so many of you destroyed those cleans, that was a rough one!
Thank you judges, spectators, and weight changers!!!