Murph was Awesome!
Thank you to everybody who came out for "Murph"! It was a blast!
Do not be scared to take a rest day after that beast, be smart!
WOD: 5/31/16
4 Rounds of:
1 Min Max Reps, Power Snatch 75/55
1 Min of Rest
1 Min Max Reps, Bar Muscle-ups
1 Min of Rest
1 Min Max Reps, Bent-over Row 135/95
1 Min of Rest
It's going to be HOT HOT HOT this week.
Make sure you're hydrated before you come to WOD!
60 people came out to WOD in the memory of Lt. Michael Murphy and all of those who serve!
You are all an awesome part of an amazing community!
Now a little bit of the story of Murph 2016 in pictures.
The crowd bringing the finishers in and cheering them on!
Cory about to cross that finish line.
Sean fists flying!
Jon bringing it on in!
Lev finishing strong for the home crowd.
Telling "Murph" stories while Travis recovers :)
Photo Credit: Jamie McMahon