Youth Strength and Conditioning with Chris Swartz

WOD:   7/18/16

EMOTM for 10 minutes:
Clean and Jerk, 2 reps

3 Rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
10 Clean & Jerks 115/80




Youth Strength & Conditioning


As most of you know Chris from Iron Beaver Weightlifting put out a survey about a youth class for CrossFit Train members and their families. We are excited to announce that Coach Chris will be offer a youth strength & conditioning class to all of CrossFit Trains’ members. This class is not a CrossFit Kids class, as Coach Chris is not affiliated with CrossFit HQ. 

Coach Chris will be offering this class as an ongoing class. The camp times will be Tuesdays at 10:00am & 4:30pm and Thursdays at 10:00am & 5:30pm. I chose these times because these were the times that were most requested on the survey. The camp will  begin this Tuesday, July 19th. 

The camp will focus on teaching proper lifting techniques for several different strength movements, as well as teaching the kids proper techniques in body weight exercises, running and plyometrics. The main goal of the camp is to help improve or establish each child’s overall fitness and athletic level. 

If you are interested in having your son or daughter participate in the camp talk to Coach Chris about how to sign up. He can be contacted by e-mail at Or you can follow the link to register for the class on-line.


If you have any questions about the camp feel free to talk to Coach Chris. 

Christopher Swartz, BS, CSCS, USAW Club Coach




Derek Eason