Paleo or ZONE?
WOD: 8/17/16
For time:
50 Medicine ball cleans, 20/14 pound ball
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
40 Medicine ball cleans, 20/14 pound ball
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
30 Medicine ball cleans, 20/14 pound ball
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
20 Medicine ball cleans, 20/14 pound ball
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
10 Medicine ball cleans, 20/14 pound ball
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
Nutrition > Exercise
Being in the gym is very large part in the life of trying to get fit, or maintain a high level of fitness. But working out and exercising can only get you so far. To really make yourself the absolute best you can be when it comes to fitness you need to consistently have a healthy diet that allows you to train at a high intensity. There are a couple of diets that CrossFit claim are some of the best diets to become the fittest, and of them are the paleo diet and the zone diet. The paleo diet consists of eating mainly meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. This excludes dairy or grain and of course processed food. The zone diet is mainly a high fat, low carbohydrate diet. Instead of limiting what types of foods you can eat, you are allotted certain amounts of “blocks” of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day. On there is a much more detailed description of what it actually is and a list of what foods count for certain blocks. If you are trying to become the fittest you can, the fastest you can, then you need to have a healthy lifestyle that not only includes hitting the gym hard day after day, but also a diet that excludes excess sugar and allows you to train as hard as you can at all times of the day. As we have heard time after time when it comes to dieting “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.”
--Austin Gray