On Ramp Graduates!!!
Track WOD Saturday at 9am!!!! Location TBA
WOD: 8/23/16
7 rounds for reps of:
1 minute of 75/55-lb. muscle snatches
1 minute of 75/55-lb. overhead squats
1 minute of burpees, jumping over the barbell
Rest 1 minute
Hey there CrossFit Train community! We just recently acquired some new graduates from our very own on ramp course! This group consists of five people named Kai, Paige, Adam, Kathie and Gregg (unfortunately Gregg and Kathie weren't able to make it to our photoshoot). This group of people have some pretty fantastic personalities, they love to have a good time and aren’t afraid to try something that they know they might not be the best at. Which is exactly what I like to see from my athletes as a coach. These fellas are super into CrossFit and have totally bought in to what we have going on here at CrossFit Train 97333. If any of you ever see these guys in the gym PLEASE introduce yourselves to them and get to know them a little. Make them feel welcome and show them what the community here at Train is all that it’s hyped up to be!
--Austin Gray
Kai, Paige, and Adam, (Kathie and Gregg not pictured)