CrossFit Train 97333

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Got Handstand Push-ups!?


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WOD:   8/31/16

Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Five rounds for time of:
135/95 pound Squat clean, 7 reps
15 Handstand push-ups




My favorite thing about CrossFit is no matter how long you’ve been doing it there is always something you can improve or a new skill you can learn. Some of the more complicated skills may not show up frequently in WODs, or they may take some initiative on your part to master. 

Handstand push-ups are a great example. Shoulder-to-overhead movements (think shoulder press, push press, and jerks) all help build the strength necessary to perform this movement, as do the scales we suggest when we do this movement in a WOD. But if this is something you want to master you will likely need to devote time to it outside of class.

Remember, at Train you are not allowed to kip a handstand push-up until you can do a strict one. If you can kick up into a handstand on the wall this video gives a great progression for learning the strict handstand push-up. It will only take you a few minutes before or after class or in open gym to work through this progression. Master the strict HSPU and you’re one step closer to kipping HSPU’s in a WOD!

Also, if you still aren’t comfortable kicking up into a handstand please ask a coach for help!  

--Cassie Finer