September Membership Deal!


Sign up and donate to Lift Up Autism here:

Labor Day Schedule:   Only class at 9am, and Open Gym from 10am - 11:30am


WOD:   9/01/16

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
45 Squats


Summer is almost over! It's time to get yourself back into a routine and bring others along with you.

Just for the month of September if you get a new person to become a member of CrossFit Train you will receive $25 off your next months membership.

And you can do this for up to three new people, so you could potentially get $75 off your next months membership fees!!!

Remember that the best way to get people started at CrossFit is to bring them to any Thursday classes. Every Thursday all classes are open to have prospective members try us out!

Alright TRAIN, its On!!!!!


Derek Eason